Volkssport Association of Alberta History

The first registered volkssport club in Alberta is listed as the Midnight Twilight Tourist Association

MTTA Region

(MTTA). St. Albert, AB est. 1985, IVV 4010/85.  (Note the registration under IVV) The MTTA promoted Zone 14, North Central Alberta, see map on right.  Travel Alberta funded these activities from 1985 – 1989 with the understanding that local clubs would be formed to take over events and funding.

After the Canadian Volkssport Federation (CVF) was established in 1986, this listing is recorded as Midnight Twilight Tourist Association. St. Albert, AB est. 1985 CVF-007.

An application with Bylaw submission for the VAA was signed January 17, 1986 with the Certificate of Incorporation under the Societies Act of the Province of Alberta dated January 21, 1986.

First recorded VAA Executive:

President – Charles Godberson
Vice-President – Rick Shaw
Secretary – David Phillips
Treasurer – Carol Sommer

Other founding members included Jock Archer, President of the MTTA in 1985.


Word “volkssport” first mentioned at a MTTA meeting.
MTTA received a $5000 grant to promote volkssport in Alberta
First sanctioned walks in Alberta.
12 weekend events of 10 and 20 km each weekend. 
First walk in Barrhead in June 8 and 9
1986 – 89
Dr. Charles Godberson is the first VAA President.
12 Weekend Events
VAA incorporated under the Alberta Societies Act, January 21
Clubs founded: Cold Lake Tri-Town Wandering Club, Rocky Mountain House Volksmarchers, Wetaskiwin Volksmarch Club
27 Events held in Alberta
CVF AGM, (Second Annual) held in St Albert hosted by the VAA with the help of the Trekkers.
VAA begins raising funds by working Casinos at the St. Albert Inn.
Clubs founded: Barrhead Walkie Talkie Volksmarch Club, Camrose Clickers, St Albert Trekkers Volksmarch Club.
President – Jim MacDonnell
27 events held in Albert including the first Mountain Majesty in Kananaskis hosted by the St Albert Trekkers.
Club founded: Innisfail Volkssport Association
Club folded: Rocky Mountain House Volksmarchers
Phillips trophy created; a farewell gift to David Phillips in recognition of his work in establishing volkssport in Alberta. 
(see listing of recipients)
The Event Calendar was produced by the VAA for the first time so it now included the entire province.
27 annual events, including 7 sanctioned volksski events, sponsored by the MTTA. First Year Round Event (YRE) (name changed to Permanent Trail (PT) in 2015) set up in province by the St Albert Trekkers.
Mountain Majesty held in Jasper hosted by the St Albert Trekkers
Clubs founded: Gibbons Biped Locomotors, Millet Volkssport Club
President – Bill Hughes
Club founded: Buffalo Lake Volkssport Club 
35 Events, including 5 bikes and 2 swims. 5 PT
Mountain Majesty held in Banff hosted by the St Albert Trekkers
Clubs founded: Devon Discovery Walkers, Wainwright Walkers
VAA AGM held in Wetaskiwin hosted by that Club
Mountain Majesty held in Kananaskis hosted by the St Albert Trekkers
First marathon, held in Medley, AB, August 1. 35 events and 5 PT
VAA AGM meeting was held in St Albert while a walk was held in Stony Plain.
Mountain Majesty held in Jasper hosted by the St Albert Trekkers
President – Phil Sturges
CVF AGM (8th Annual) in Alberta, St. Albert Inn.
53 Events, including 4 bikes and 2 swims. 8 PT including first bike, hosted by St Albert Trekkers
Mountain Majesty held in Banff/Canmore hosted by the St Albert Trekkers
Club founded: Calgary Volksmarch Club
Club folded: Camrose Clickers
The VAA AGM was held in Innisfail hosted by the Innisfail Volkssport Assoc.
August 19 – 26. Jasper to Lake Louse walk organized by Grace Newman.
Mountain Majesty held in Kananaskis hosted by the St Albert Trekkers
Clubs founded: Fox Creek Wilderness Volkssport Club, Volkssport Club of Medicine Hat
The VAA AGM was hosted in St Albert by the Trekkers
1996 – 99
President – Grace Newman 
21 PT and 96 annual events in Alberta. Mountain Majesty held in Jasper hosted by the St Albert Trekkers
Club founded: Strathcona Striders (Sherwood Park)
Club folded: Innisfail Volkssport Association
The VAA AGM was held in Wainwright hosted by the Wainwright Walkers
The VAA AGM was held in Devon hosted by that club
Mountain Majesty held in Lake Louise hosted by the St Albert Trekkers
Club founded: Chinook Country Pacers
Clubs folded: Buffalo Lake Volkssport Club, Cold Lake Tri-town Wandering Club
The VAA AGM was held in Redwater hosted by the Gibbons Biped Locomotors
Mountain Majesty held in Kananaskis hosted by the St Albert Trekkers
President – Bob Duncan 
The VAA AGM was held in St Albert hosted by that club
Mountain Majesty held in Jasper hosted by the St Albert Trekkers
Millennium Mountain Meander, June 17 – 24, Lake Louise to Jasper organized by Bob and Billie Collins.
34 PT, 117 annual events. Mountain Majesty held in Banff/Kootenay National Park hosted by the St Albert Trekkers
The VAA AGM was held in Calgary hosted by the Calgary Volkssport Club
Club founded: Hinton Hikers 
Club folded: Strathcona Striders
Mountain Majesty was cancelled due to high fire hazard
The VAA AGM was hosted in Medicine Hat by that club
Medicine Hat hosted the CVF AGM with the help of the other Alberta clubs
Mountain Majesty name was changed to AB Majesty and other clubs started sharing the weekend. Volkssport Club of Calgary hosted in Kananaskis
Club founded: Lake Isle Pacers
Club folded: Wainwright Walkers
The VAA AGM was hosted in St Albert by that club
President – Myrna O’Neil 
Club folded: Gibbons Biped Locomotors 
AB Majesty hosted by Medicine Hat, there and in Elkwater in the Cypress Hills
The VAA hosted their AGM in Red Deer
20 Years of Volkssport in Alberta celebrated.
AB Majesty hosted by the Trekkers in Grande Cache
The VAA hosted their AGM in Innisfail
President – Richard Parr
Club folded: Calgary Volksmarch Club
AB Majesty hosted by the VAA in Waterton and Crowsnest Pass
The VAA AGM was held in St Albert hosted by that club
VAA and Alberta clubs host the CVF AGM in Edmonton.
AB Majesty hosted by Medicine Hat in town and in Elkwater in the Cypress Hills
Clubs folded: Hinton Hikers, Lake Isle Pacers
The VAA AGM was held by the Chinook Country Pacers in Cardston
The VAA  hosted their AGM in Fort Saskatchewan 
AB Majesty hosted by the Trekkers in Jasper
The VAA AGM was hosted in Medicine Hat by that club
AB Majesty hosted by the VAA in Kananaskis
President – Kathleen Parr
49 YRE, 82 annual events. AB Majesty hosted by Medicine Hat in Elkwater and in town.
Club folded: Millet Volkssport Club 
The VAA AGM hosted jointly by the Fox Creek and Wetaskiwin clubs in Camrose
25 years of sanctioned walks in Alberta celebrated at the Horse Creek Ranch event, hosted by the Barrhead Walkie Talkie club. (The first volkssport event in Alberta was held in Barrhead in 1985.)
The VAA AGM was hosted by the St Albert Trekkers in St Albert and AB Majesty in Banff. 
VAA celebrates 25 years, honorary members recognized see write ups.
VAA AGM hosted by the Wetaskiwin Club in Red Deer
AB Majesty hosted by the VAA in Nordegg
Wetaskiwin Volkssport Walking Club, celebrates 25th anniversary.
AB Majesty hosted by Medicine Hat in town and in Elkwater in the Cypress Hills
VAA AGM hosted by Devon Discovery Walkers, in Devon, in conjunction with their 20th Anniversary
Barrhead Walkie Talkie Volkssport Club, celebrates 25th anniversary.
St. Albert Trekkers Volkssport Club, celebrates 25th anniversary.
AB Majesty hosted by Trekkers in Lake Louise (Kananaskis plans changed due to flooding)
VAA AGM hosted by the Medicine Hat Club in Medicine Hat. 
President – David Hall
65 PT, 71 annual events. AB Majesty hosted by VAA in Hinton/Jasper
VAA AGM hosted by the Wetaskiwin Club in Camrose
CVF AGM in Banff hosted by St. Albert Trekkers with assistance of other Alberta clubs
Club folded: Fox Creek Wilderness Volkssport Club
VAA AGM hosted by the Barrhead Walkie Talkie Volkssport Club at Horse Creek Ranch, plus 30 Years of Volkssport walking in Alberta celebrated.
62 PTs, 82 events. AB Majesty hosted by Medicine Hat in town.
68 PTs, 75 events.  AB Majesty hosted jointly by Wetaskiwin and Devon in Waterton
VAA AGM hosted by the St Albert Trekkers in that city.
New club formed in Red Deer – Volkssport Walkers of Central Alberta
President – Glenda Palmer
67 PTs, 87 events. AB Majesty hosted by the Trekkers in Kananaskis
VAA AGM hosted by the VAA in Cochrane
67 PTs, 69 events, 118 including the scheduled group PTs. AB Majesty hosted by the VAA in Jasper
VAA AGM hosted in Red Deer by the Volkssport Walkers of Central Alberta
Wetaskiwin Volkssport Club changed their name to Northern Lights Walking Club
2019 – 2023
President – Sharon Tchir
71 PTs, 67 events, plus 28 scheduled PTs in the printed calendar and many more added as the weather dictates. AB Majesty hosted by Medicine Hat in town and the Cypress Hills Provincial Park at Elkwater
VAA AGM hosted in Stony Plain by the Devon Discovery Walkers
74 PTs, 58 events plus 23 scheduled PTs in the printed calendar, most of which weren’t held due to Covid-19, including the AGM (which was held by videoconference in May), and AB Majesty..
Devon Discovery Walkers changed their name to Parkland Walkers.
76 PTs in calendar. Events were no longer published in calendar but were added, cancelled and/or postponed as Covid restrictions allowed.
Volkssport Walkers of Central AB on hiatus as a new President didn’t step forward.
VAA AGM meeting was held by video conference in June but a Walking Festival was held in Leduc to celebrate 35 years of the VAA in July hosted by the Northern Lights Walking Club.
78 PTs in calendar. Events were mostly scheduled quarterly but mainly returned to a normal schedule and the River Ravine Program resumed.
VAA Walking Festival was held at Angels Valley, May 13-15th, hosted by the Barrhead Walkie Talkie Volkssport Club. The AGM was held by video conference in April.
AB Majesty held in mid September in the Canmore Banff area by the VAA.
Club folded: Volkssport Walkers of Central AB
President – Denise Wallbank
79 PTs in Program Guide (Event Calendar rename). Events scheduled quarterly.
VAA AGM held by video conference in March.
Trekkers hosted the AB Walking Festival (name changed from VAA Walking Festival) June 2-4. They celebrated their 35th Anniversary in September with a walk and BBQ
Northern Lights hosted a Roving Walk Festival in Central Alberta in July
AB Majesty held September 9-11 in Medicine Hat and Elkwater
Club folded: Chinook Country Pacers
76 PTs in Program Guide.
VAA AGM held by video conference in April.
Barrhead hosted the AB Walking Festival at Angels Valley, June 14-16.
Northern Lights hosted AB Majesty in Waterton National Park in September 8-11